Best Employee ‘Think-Pink Campaign’ Contributes to Memorial Hospital Foundation

Ferdinand- Best Home Furnishings presented a check to the Memorial Hospital Foundation totaling $4,000 to aid patients through the Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center and Women’s Center Restricted Funds. 

Every Wednesday throughout October, employees at Best Home Furnishings locations were encouraged to wear a pink shirt. For each pink shirt worn, $2 was added to the organization’s total donation amount. 

“We are proud to support organizations like the Memorial Hospital Foundation that impact individuals in our local community through their various initiatives,” says Brian Lange, president of Best Home Furnishings. “We’re thankful for the opportunity to donate $2,000 to the Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center and $2,000 to the Women’s Center Restricted Funds, and we couldn’t have done it without strong participation from our employees.” 

The donations provided to the Women’s Center Restricted Funds will be used to pay for mammograms for patients in financial need who likely wouldn’t get one otherwise. The Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center funds will be used for assisting patients with medical costs associated to their cancer diagnosis. 

“Last year the Memorial Hospital Foundation provided nearly $245,000 in patient support to a total of 8,743 individuals thanks to wonderful supporters like Best Home Furnishings,” said Deidra Church, Director of Memorial Hospital Foundation. “We are very grateful for donations like this that allow our hospital’s caregivers the ability to easily assist patients who might be experiencing financial distress. I don’t say it lightly that donations like this one could potentially save someone’s life, and I hope that all Best Home Furnishings employees who participated in this fundraiser are proud of the impact they’ve made!”