Be Aware Of Parking Changes Near the Courthouse Square For Strassenfest Next Week
From Local Sources
JASPER -- Jasper officials are reminding drivers that parking spaces in and around the courthouse square will be closed off for the Strassenfest August 1st through the 4th.
The following No Parking Areas will be enforced:NEON YELLOW SIGNS - indicate NO PARKING due to the Construction of the Main and West Stages.
These areas will be affected starting Monday, July 22 - 7:00am.
By the Astra and City Hall.
NEON GREEN SIGNS - indicate NO PARKING due to the Construction of the Bier Garten area.
This area will be affected starting on Monday, July 29 - 7:00am.
This area is Main St. going South of the Square - between 3rd and 5th St.
NEON PINK SIGNS - indicate NO PARKING due to the Setup of Amusement Rides.
This area will be affected starting on Wednesday, July 31 - 2:30pm.
This area is Main St. going North of the Square - between 6th and 9th St.
NEON ORANGE SIGNS - indicate NO PARKING due to the Setup of Food and Game Booths.
This area will be affected starting on Wednesday, July 31 - 5:00pm.
This is the area immediately around the Square. Booth setup begins at 5:30pm.
In order for booths to set up as scheduled, all cars must be removed at the above said times. If you don’t, you could get a ticket or towed at your expense.