August Ribbon Cutting Courtesy of a Local Girl Scout's Hard Work
Jasper - An upcoming Jasper ribbon-cutting event comes courtesy of a local Girl Scout's project completion.
Caroline Kieffner of Girl Scout Troop #108 in Jasper, Indiana has completed her Gold Award project.
The Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouts.
Her project helps the community with the installation of a water bottle refill station at Bohnert Park in Jasper, Indiana.
Bohnert Park is the most used park in the city. Currently, many water fountains are closed due to COVID.
It is convenient for all to have access to water while enjoying a few hours at the park.
Staying hydrated, especially in the summer heat, is key to participating in healthy activities.
Caroline worked with the Park Director, Tom Moorman, on this project.
She also coordinated the fundraising and will be raising community and global awareness of this project.
Debbie Allen State Farm Insurance will be donating 100 water bottles to be given away at this event.