Attorney General Todd Rokita Elected to National Leadership by the Republican Attorneys General Association

Indianapolis, Indiana – Recognizing the leadership he can bring to work of the national Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), the Members of RAGA have elected Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita to serve on the organization’s Executive Committee.

His service on the Executive Committee will begin immediately.

"I'm honored to be elected to the Republican Attorneys General Association's Executive Committee—a role that will allow me to serve on the frontlines of our efforts to defend the rule of law and protect our constitutional freedoms," said Todd.

Todd will join South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, who has been elected Chairman of RAGA for a second time, in helping steer the national organization.

"The Republican attorneys general have always been united in their defense of the Constitution and rule of law. The extreme left that currently runs Washington, D.C. have no limiting principles and will continue their attempts to erode our freedoms by expanding the size and scope of government," said new RAGA Chairman South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson.

This is the second time Todd has been selected to serve in leadership for a national organization for public officials. As Indiana’s Secretary of State, Todd was selected as the National President of the Association of Secretaries of State.