Applications Open for Rotary’s Fall Leadership Camp for High School Students

Dubois Co.- The Rotary Club of Dubois County encourages Dubois County high school students to apply to participate in the 2023 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program, to be held at Bradford Woods Friday, October 20th – Sunday, October 22nd, 2023.  

Up to four Dubois County students will be sponsored by the local Rotarians.  Deadline to apply is October 11th. 

“The RYLA program gives high school students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with Rotary’s motto: Service Above Self,” said Judi Brown, Rotary Club of Dubois County’s New Generations Director. “Many of the young people in Dubois County are already serving our community as youth leaders.  RYLA builds upon those skills and prepares them to be future adult leaders as well.”   She adds, “Every year the students we sponsor ask if they can be sponsored again the following year.  The weekend is fun and action packed, and challenges students to step outside their comfort zones.   The participants will be outdoors doing activities such as zip-lining, getting to know high school students from across the area, and building important skills that will carry them through high school, into college, and beyond.”

RYLA is a Rotary sponsored youth leadership training program for high school aged students. Each year, more than 9,000 young people are sponsored in RYLA programs by Rotary Clubs in over 25 countries.  Rotarians provide the RYLA program free to all participating students. 

Rotary District 6580, the local district for the Dubois County Club, sponsors an annual RYLA program at Bradford Woods, which is owned and operated by Indiana University, and is located in rural Morgan County.  Under the guidance of trained facilitators at Bradford Woods, RYLA participants gain valuable leadership skills through a variety of adventurous “learn by doing” opportunities. 

RYLA students are given the opportunity to grow in self-confidence, gain insights into positive group behaviors and interactions, develop leadership skills, make new friends and have a lot of fun in the process.   Most of the RYLA activities happen in an outdoor setting, and participants sleep in modern cabins.  Daily activities are a part of the Bradford Woods Outdoor Challenge Education Program. 

Interested in participating?  Contact Judi Brown at [email protected] for more information.   Information has been provided to all four-county high school guidance departments, and is also available at the Rotary District 6580 website at