American Red Cross Provides Important Tips on Smoke Alarms, Fire Escape Plan for Fire Prevention Week
Indianapolis — This week is Fire Prevention Week, and the Indiana Region of the American Red Cross urges residents to test their smoke alarms before the threat of home fires increases with cold weather. The Indiana Region has installed more than 220 smoke alarms, provided fire preparedness programs and made over 140 homes safer so far this year as part of the national Red Cross Home Fire Campaign.
Launched in 2014, the Home Fire Campaign has reached more than 2.4 million people and saved more than 1,000 lives across the country to reduce deaths and injuries from home fires, which take an average of seven lives each day in the U.S. Since the inception of the program, the Indiana Region and local partners have:
- Installed over 60,000 free smoke alarms
- Made more than 28,000 households safer from the threat of home fires
- Reached over 18,000 children through youth preparedness programs
The Red Cross responds to 27% more home fires from November to March than in warmer months. According to the National Fire Protection Association — which is sponsoring Fire Prevention Week with the theme, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety” — home fires are most common in cooler months when people spend more time inside, and cooking and heating equipment are the leading causes of these crises.
“Home fires are the nation’s most frequent disaster, and we want to ensure everyone knows how to protect themselves and their loved ones from these everyday crises,” said Leslie Montgomery, Regional Disaster Officer for the American Red Cross – Indiana Region. “We are grateful for the support of our volunteers and partners to help prevent needless fire tragedies.”
TWO MINUTES TO ESCAPE Fire experts agree that people may have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late. As part of the campaign, the Red Cross asks every household to talk with their loved ones about fire safety and take two simple steps: Check your smoke alarms monthly and practice your home fire escape plan at least twice a year.
Visit redcross.org/homefires for free fire safety information and resources, including a home fire escape plan to develop and practice with your household.
HOW TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY During Fire Prevention Week, teach children what a smoke alarm sounds like and talk about fire safety and what to do in an emergency. Here are more tips to keep your family safe:
- Place smoke alarms on each level of your home, including inside and outside bedrooms and sleeping areas. Change the batteries at least once a year if your model requires it.
- Check the manufacturer’s date of your smoke alarms. If they’re 10 years or older, they likely need to be replaced because components such batteries can become less reliable. Follow your alarm’s manufacturer instructions.
- Include at least two ways to exit every room in your home in your escape plan.
- Select a meeting spot at a safe distance away from your home, such as your neighbor’s home or landmark like a specific tree in your front yard, where everyone knows to meet.
- Tailor your escape plan to everyone’s needs in your household. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, install strobe light and bed-shaker alarms to help alert you to a fire. When practicing your plan, include any devices or people that can help you to get out safely.
If you cannot afford to purchase smoke alarms or are physically unable to install one, the Red Cross may be able to assist. Contact your local Red Cross for help. Due to COVID-19 safety guidelines, smoke alarm installations are limited to where they’re safe to do so. Visit redcross.org/fire for more information.
GET INVOLVED The Red Cross depends on the generous support of the American public to fulfill its humanitarian mission. To support our lifesaving work, please consider volunteering or donating by visiting redcross.org, calling 1-800-RED CROSS or texting REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 gift.