After Strassenfest Halfpot Winning Ticket was Claimed, Committee Announces Halfpot Return in 2022
Jasper –The Jasper Strassenfest Committee announced on Monday evening that a winner
has come forward to claim the Half Pot Prize.
After confirmation that the ticket was valid, Steve
Brenner of Evansville and his wife Dana met with committee members at the Jasper Chamber of
Commerce to claim the $70,555 prize.
In its inaugural year the pot total reached $141,110. A large portion of the proceeds will benefit the
Vincennes University Jasper Scholastic Excellence Scholarship Fund to benefit local students.
Scholarship includes tuition, laptop and $500 book stipend. More information on the number of
students impacted will be known at a later date. The winning ticket draw took place on Wednesday,
August 11th at the Jasper Train Depot after some brief words from Jasper Strassenfest Committee
Chair Bob Bleemel, Half Pot Chair Kim Lottes, and VU Jasper Vice President and Dean Christian
Half Pot Winner, Steve Brenner, said he was shocked to see that he held the winning number when
comparing his ticket to the number on the Jasper Strassenfest Half Pot website late last week. He
purchased the ticket from the Half Pot booth when it was located at the Southgate Shopping
Center. Steve is a truck driver and his route takes him to Jasper every weekday. He pulled into the
lot after the booth caught his eye, stating that he liked that his purchase would be benefitting a
good cause. After purchasing his ticket he discovered that the drawing was to take place on his
wife Dana’s birthday. While he joked with her that he had purchased her birthday present, neither
imagined that that present would include this amount of money.
The Jasper Strassenfest Committee plans to hold the Half Pot event once again next year with ticket
sales taking place prior to the festival August 4-7, 2022. Details will be posted closer to the event
on the Half Pot web page, jasperstrassenfest.org/halfpot.