419 pounds of medications properly disposed of in Take Back Event in Dubois County

Dubois Co.- Organizers counted 255 residents taking advantage of Saturday’s opportunity for proper disposal of medications during the chilly spring day. 

Tri-Cap RSVP Director Rachel Trabant states 419.1 pounds of medications were properly disposed of on Saturday. Additionally cardboard and plastic bags were recycled from the event. Dubois County’s bi-annual medication collection day event, in association with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s national event, allows residents the opportunity to get rid of old medications in a safe manner. St. Anthony and Ireland fire departments and the Jasper State Police Post served as collection sites for the day.

Each properly disposed of item reduces contamination in our water system and alleviates potential for accidental overdose or ingestion of outdated or incorrect medication. It is medication kept away from kids, teenagers or those susceptible to becoming prescription medication addicts.

Another collection day will be set for the fall, normally set for the last part of October. Residents may also use the county’s 24/7 site at the Jasper City Police Department.

A special thank you goes out to IDNR law enforcement for their help this time around as well.

Sponsors for the event include the Indiana State Police Post District 34, Dubois County Sheriff’s Department, Haysville and Ireland Volunteer Fire Departments, the Drug Enforcement Administration, Dubois County Substance Abuse Council, Tri-CAP RSVP, Dubois County CARES and the Dubois County Solid Waste District.