41 New COVID Cases Reported in Dubois County Over the Weekend, Positivity Rate is Lower


JASPER -- 41 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Dubois County over the weekend.

There were 17 cases on Saturday and 24 Sunday.  We’ve had 1,848 residents test positive since the start of the pandemic.

Dubois County remains under a CODE RED designation.  Our seven-day positivity rate is down this morning to 13.3%.  It was 15.4% on Saturday.  That color code will be re-assessed on Wednesday.

New numbers will be released today at noon.

Elsewhere across the area:  Perry County reported a new death Sunday and 24 new cases. 

10 new cases in Spencer County; Daviess and Orange Counties both reported eight new cases. 

Officials in Pike County report six new cases Sunday and four in Martin County.