14th Annual Patoka Lake Clean Up Scheduled for Late August
The Patoka Lake Watershed Steering Committee encourages individuals, families, friends and service groups to come on out for the 14th annual Patoka Lake Clean Up on Saturday, August 28, 2021.
Changes for 2021 include online sign up, morning registration at six designated boat ramps instead of a central location and free admission into the park for lunch and door prizes after the clean up!
New this year, we are asking volunteers to sign up for lunch and door prizes in advance, so please go to Eventbrite.com and search “Patoka lake clean up” , go to tinyurl.com/patokacleanup21 or go to our facebook page to access the ticket page and sign up your number of participants. You will also be put on an email list for updates. This allows us to have a better idea of how many volunteers to expect. Also on the Eventbrite site, you may print out the DNR's Adult and/or Youth Service Agreement, complete it, and bring it with you to save time at the boat ramp registration on the 28th. You can also check the Patoka Lake Watershed Steering Committee Facebook page or text or call 812-639-0123 and register or ask to be put on the Watershed email list.
8 am to 9:30 am Show up and Register at your choice of boat ramp: Lick Fork, South Lick Fork, Newton Stewart, South, Osborn, or Painter Creek. Event coordinators will point you to an area to clean up. Gloves, trash bags, and bug spray will be provided. Come dressed to pick up trash in the weeds along the highways and shoreline.
10:30 am Head into the Park for 11 am lunch: When you show up at the boat ramp in the morning, you will receive a ticket for free entry into the park for your Jimmy Johns lunch, goody bag and door prizes! Please bring your own seating or picnic blanket. Lunch will start at 11am.
The event takes place at designated boat ramps around Patoka Lake, and in the Newton Stewart Recreation Area. For general information on ramp locations call the Patoka Lake Nature Center at 812-685-2447.