“Preparation for Childbirth” Class

Jasper- It is known that the more you know about your pregnancy and childbirth, the better you will be able to cope with and adjust to changes during this time. 

Expectant parents are invited to attend Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center’s “Preparation for Childbirth” classes held on Thursday, August 17, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.                                                                                          

“Preparation for Childbirth” is class to help prepare expectant mothers and support persons for childbirth, including a tour of the Women and Infant Services Unit.  It is recommended that both mother and the support person who will assist the mother during delivery of the baby attend the class.

This class is being held in Board Conference Room ABC at Memorial Hospital Health Care Center. It is free to those who are delivering at Memorial Hospital or $65. The “Preparation for Childbirth” classes are conducted by qualified obstetrical nursing personnel.

To enroll, please visit Memorial Hospital’s website at www.mhhcc.org and click on “Classes & Events.”   If you are unable to access online, please 812-996-0383.