A Tuesday wreck involving four vehicles sent two adults and three juveniles to Memorial Hospital for minor injuries.
Donations will be accepted for anyone wishing to donate to the cause, with all proceeds going toward the upcoming town museum.
In October of 2020, Master Trooper Jarrod Lents initiated an investigation into allegations of improper sexual contact between an adult male and a female under the age of 14.
The Indiana Department of Health today announced the appointment of 12 new members to the Governor’s Public Health Commission, which was established last month by Governor Eric J. Holcomb to study Indiana’s public health system and make recommendations for improvement. The appointees include elected officials, public health professionals and other key health stakeholders from across the state.
Last night at approximately 8:24 p.m., Indiana State Police and Posey County Sheriff’s Office responded to a three-vehicle crash on SR 165 approximately ½ mile north of I-64. When officers arrived, they discovered two of the drivers involved were husband and wife and alcohol was a contributing factor.
Dubois County recorded 45 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths. The county has recorded five deaths since August 22nd.