Purdue 13 & 17-Year Cicada Workshop Offered

Purdue Extension and Ferdinand Library will be hosting a workshop for homeowners and general public on the upcoming joint emergence of the 13 and 17-year cicada in the Midwest.  The workshop will take place on May 14, 2024 starting at 6:30 PM EST at the Ferdinand Library, 112 East 16th Street, Ferdinand, IN.

Participants will learn about both the emerging “Brood XIII” and the “Brood XIX” periodic cicada and their life cycles, potential damage to trees and landscaping, affects on pets, and even cicada recipes (“taste like shrimp, but with subtle overtones of boiled peanuts or asparagus”).

The event is open to the public, and there is no charge to attend.  Additional information at [email protected] or ph. (812)482-1782.